Holiday Shop Hop

Friday, November 21, 2025-
Saturday, November 29, 2025

Presented By: Ashland Main Street

Our Holiday Shop Hop is back and better than ever before, with all the parts you loved, and some new ones to make you love it even more!
New: the dates are expanded, encompassing Pink Friday, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday. No worries if you're out of town over Thanksgiving; we've got you covered, but now it's the week before the holiday! That also means no shop hop on Parade Saturday, so you can focus solely on how you will enjoy the best parade ever!
Also new: our shop hop card won't need as many punches for you to be a part of the winning- our downtown is so chock-full of great stores, that we don't want you to rush through them this year!
What's still the same: um, our amazing stores, of course, as well as the window decorating contest voting, the winners' baskets, and DORA (for two weekends!

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